Been busy busy busy.
But never too busy to complain, of course. Could just be aging, but fandom is such a fucking drag these days. It feels like they annoy me more often than they inspire me or bring entertainment and comfort. And, well, it's not fair to say fandom in its entirety is looking bleaker and bleaker to me--at least, not fandom as an inherent practice. Moreso fandom as a modern construct, in its modern iteration. It's the new fast fashion; it lasts as long as a show airs and rarely longer. In the age of streaming that's a shelf life cut in half. On top of that it's just a bunch of people ready to brain each other with rocks over shipping discourse, which granted, has always been somewhat of a thing, but now it's always with some psuedo moral element thrown in. But I digress; I am making an effort to engage with 'fast fandom' less and spend time outside the mind numbing pleasure button of social media more, to decrease my annoyance and increase my engagement with art and writing.
Got a new job. Been doing a lot of smaller crochet projects as well! Including glow-in-the-dark ghosts, pumpkin garlands, a pillow, and granny squares turned to purses (purse pics below). Working on my next tapestry bit now, a death head hawk moth pattern, which may be just the right size for a lap blanket when finished.
This particular pattern is the willow granny square.
These pictures are from before I had sewn in a fabric liner, just to keep the integrity of the shape + prevent little things from falling. Not that I actually really intend to use it? I've never been fond of purses. I prefer tote bags. But I am enjoying making things regardless. Ideally, my next update will be less scattered, and I can share more craftwork.
I also plan on working on:
Layout changes for Gamzee shrine.
Compiling all canonical Complaceny of the Learned and Wizardy Herbet things for Lalonde-analysis reasons.
Organizing my neocities image folders.
Been a minute since I've worked on this. Quick catch up: finished my afghan project! Been putting off starting any other crochet project--I want to learn how to do the magic ring and I keep procrastinating that. Quit my job a while back, still job hunting. Fixed the images on my Gamzee shrine.
Also: I made a "SWEET DREAMS" Tri-Angel after reading The Book of Bill:

My terrible little darling. This was my first time working with air dry clay and it was definitely a learning experience. I liked it, though--planning some other things to make now.
The image hosting site I had been using, imgbb, seems to not be functioning for me anymore, so I have gone through and fixed all image links on my main site. The images on the Gamzee Shrine are not yet fixed, but will be soon.
I should have uploaded the images to neocities from the start, but, and this shows off how I am still learning--I did not realize I could. Oops!
I figure I might as well make a blog post while I do this bit of upkeep. I just finished Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z Brite/Billy Martin. Truly exquisite and gross, if a little distasteful to base so heavily on then-recent crimes. I ordered some of his short stories to check out as well as some Dennis Cooper novels. I have been working steadily through my pile of to-read-books this year, so I felt it was okay to indulge in a small haul of books.
I also finished the second go of the cat afghan pattern:
Two more to go! Maybe I'll even have it finised by fall. Originally I did not want to start any other, smaller projects until I finished it (lest I lose all interet and never return) but I think doing some small patterns on the side might keep me more focused and feeling, well, fulfilled, with this hobby (not completing something for so long, even if I am making good, slow progress feels bad).
Otherwise I have not been up to much outside of work, as usual. I am looking for a new job--one that will either give me more freetime or will engage me more.
Did a lot of work on my Gamzee Shrine this weekend--finally feeling somewhat happy with it. Aside from the goals I listed on the shrine itself I want to fancy up the gallery page, finish filling in my who is gamzee? section (a tough one; I'm trying to write objectively and clearly. but, obviously, I'm biased, and his fandom history is a huge thing to tackle), and find a better use for the delightful cherub-themed pixel art momocup made for me to use!
Keeping up with my 'one-row-a-day' goal on my crochet afghan project. Progress pics:
Here's the pattern I'm using. I've never finished anything more than a simple scarf (for a Roxy Lalonde cosplay) and a fucked up tree skirt (for a gift), so choosing something with so much color switching was a little ambitious of me I think but it's giving me a LOT of practice with both that and keeping count of my stitches (notoriously I am bad with numbers, they just fall out of my head).
I'm happy with how it's coming out, even if I've fucked up in a few places where it'd be too much of a hassle to go back and fix. I've started hoarding a little collection of grid patterns to try crocheting once I finish this.
Dragging myself out of a depressive spiral and picking away slowly at html & neocities again. Plan to add a page--or just use this new section?--for crochet updates and will upload pics. I finished the first section of the afghan two days ago and it's renewed some of my energy! Now just three more times.
Next goals for this site:
->fix up the layout for the blog section; leaving it bland for now
->crochet corner babyyy
->filling in my gamzee shrine