Consider this under construction indefinitely.


This is a personal site I'm slowly working on to practice HTML/CSS.

Basics about me: 27 years old. A cat in the form of a man. I like horror and cutesy shit in equal measure. I work fulltime in a totally unrelated field but I like to daydream about indie gamedev.

I like to write (both fanfiction and original stories, pending sharing on the latter) and draw. I also like to crochet and me fumbling through projects related to that will probably be the majority of my blog content.

Feel free to check out my Gamzee shrine if you're down to clown, though it remains a huge WIP. I also have a page for my collection of stamps/blinkies/etc and a page for fanfiction recs.

I'm currently reading The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, watching Oniisama e ..., and playing the Final Fantasy VII Remake. Also, I've been greally getting into Riichi Mahjong. This is trumping most everything else right now.



Did a lot of work on my Gamzee Shrine this weekend--finally feeling somewhat happy with it. Aside from the goals I listed on the shrine itself I want to fancy up the gallery page, finish filling in my who is gamzee? section (a tough one; I'm trying to write objectively and clearly. but, obviously, I'm biased, and his fandom history is a huge thing to tackle), and find a better use for the delightful cherub-themed pixel art momocup made for me to use!

Keeping up with my 'one-row-a-day' goal on my crochet afghan project. Progress pics:

Here's the pattern I'm using. I've never finished anything more than a simple scarf (for a Roxy Lalonde cosplay) and a fucked up tree skirt (for a gift), so choosing something with so much color switching was a little ambitious of me I think but it's giving me a LOT of practice with both that and keeping count of my stitches (notoriously I am bad with numbers, they just fall out of my head).

I'm happy with how it's coming out, even if I've fucked up in a few places where it'd be too much of a hassle to go back and fix. I've started hoarding a little collection of grid patterns to try crocheting once I finish this.


Dragging myself out of a depressive spiral and picking away slowly at html & neocities again. Plan to add a page--or just use this new section?--for crochet updates and will upload pics. I finished the first section of the afghan two days ago and it's renewed some of my energy! Now just three more times.

Next goals for this site:

->fix up the layout for the blog section; leaving it bland for now
->crochet corner babyyy
->filling in my gamzee shrine